Wednesday, January 28, 2009

HC 09

Just got back from counting the homeless tonight in Los Angeles. In case you haven't heard, tonight, tomorrow night and Thursday night are Homeless Count O9. Happens every 2 years and helps to determine the kind of funding and services that the homeless get all over this country.

If you didn't get out there tonight, you can still make it for the next two nights. It sounds slightly daunting, but it's really not. They train you, give you a map and all the supplies you need and a team, and you hit the streets and just count the homeless and their encampments. I met the loveliest brother and sister: Joseph and Patsy. Patsy is 76 and she owns a little company that makes priest and choir robes. Yeah. And she was out there trekking around fearlessly with us to make sure we accurately counted the homeless. And actually, there were over 100 people who showed up tonight and word on the street is that all of the meeting spots were overwhelmed with volunteers.

This isn't to say you are off the hook. This is to get you on the bandwagon. I know you're tired. It's been a long day, but I swear, you will actually go to bed with a little smile on your face knowing that you spent a few hours doing this. It's a new day here in this land we live in, and in order to make the change we have so desperately fought for, we are going to have to work for it. Work at it.

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