Thursday, February 12, 2009

All sorts of bargains......

Before we start, I highly recommend this short story by Woody Allen.....and if you haven't ever read any of his short stories, go out today and get a book of them. Before David Sedaris, there was Woody. Only his stuff tends to have a fantasy aspect to it that takes it to the absurd.

This is called the Whore of Mensa. need I say more?

I was looking around for Valentine's Day for Joel and I happened into H&M--I swear it was not intentional......definitely some cute Spring stuff, although with the weather here, I'm not sure I'm ready for anything 'Spring'. Did I mention that my Uggs were my best purchase this year??? What would I do without them?

Anyway, if you're at H&M, then you have to top it off with a quick run through F21. There I found a little clearance sale in the back (read: hurrry up and go before the weekend is up!) I picked up a cashmere blend turtleneck (they had a few colors--I, shocker, opted for Navy) for $11.99. They also had a bunch of cute tshirts and stuff for $8. Who can beat it? And the cute scarves from India for $8.
The crazy thing about both H&M and F21 right now is the straight back to the 80's thing....I swear there was a flannel buffalo plaid mini skirt that I looked for for about 8 years straight in my was just hanging there for like $15. Of course, I am now way past the age that I can wear a buffalo plaid mini skirt, but hey, I finally crossed it off that mental list.

Made me also think of how easy the girls have it today. We had to hunt for it. They have it right there.....or maybe that was just my mother.

Then, trying to make my escape, my eye caught blue and white stripes--I have to touch them whenever I see them. It's like going to the light.....It was a little blazer with great navy buttons. fully lined, great for the spring and summer. $22. I will have to put it in the closet for a couple of months, but I'm going to love it.

Oh, one last thing: I'm reading books to Isaac tonight and he says, "Mom, my bed is made of springs, isn't it?" and I say, "yes" and he says, "Well, tempurpedic says that springs are bad for you. I think we need to get me a tempurpedic bed". I'm not kidding. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. Makes me want to pull the TVs off the walls.

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